20 March 2006


Different > More of That

In my day job as a market strategist for professional services firms, I work at multiple levels all day. I bounce back and forth between strategy and tactics, between the big picture and the details that make the difference. I still find the professional services arena a challenge as clients come in all shapes and sizes and all levels of sophistication in their thinking about how they approach their markets.

Today I was reminded that marketers focused on the services sector are just as varied as my clients in their thinking. In a quick browse of some of other consulting and marketing blogs, I found an interesting entry by Suzanne Lowe on her Expertise Marketplace blog. Her article on the Be Better Trap points out an important point - marketing for services firms is not just about one-upping competing firms, it's about defining a differentiated market position that is better because it offers a unique value to clients.

Bravo to Suzanne for pointing out this trap which focuses competition inside the box - a box that the competitors draw for themselves by looking at each other instead of what their clients value. The ability to lead the market comes from understanding, anticipating, and focusing on market needs. To truly differentiate, talk to the market, not each other.

19 March 2006


Basketball Means Togetherness

In our household, March Madness is a favorite time of year. We're not fanatical but we are definitely fans. My husband Ron says it is the advent of the pool that has driven this tournament to such popularity. A recent Fast Company article says that the American economy suffers a $3.8 billion+ loss in productivity during this time of year due to Madness. I can neither confirm nor deny this stat but I can say that having an NCAA team as an alma mater and being competitive enough to participate in the pool every year for the last decade has put basketball among the highest ranking activities for us in any given March.

This year, we are not doing well in the pool. It hasn't mattered much, however, as the quality of the basketball we are seeing continues to astound us. And, our UCLA Bruins are still in the hunt so all is not lost. Even if we lose the pool, our favored team might win and that will be consolation a plenty. And, in addition to watching some amazing three-point shots, buzzer beater wins, and the hopes of whole teams and seasons hang on a few moments of competition, we are enjoying the togetherness that is basketball for us.

For a few weeks, all meals are consumed in front of one game or another. We share the excitement of great play together and we talk about the losses as if they are those of our friends. Our dog Sierra has never been quite sure about her role when my husband and I are watching sports. She is confused by the alternating lulls and roars of watching a game. But, she knows excitement when she sees it and gladly participates by bringing mascots in the form of plush toys to cheer with us. If we are really excited, she barks with us in the same way people laugh when others laugh even if they don't know what was funny.

My husband is a sports pacer. He can rarely sit down to watch a game he really cares about. I remain seated but sometimes realize I've curled in on myself, fetally coping with anticipation. Sierra has decided that this year's tournament is to be viewed from the couch along with the rest of us. She tries to sleep during the lulls but places a loving head on your leg if she senses that you sense your team is losing. She sits up to share the moments of surprise. She moves to the floor if my husband begins pacing. So, although she doesn't watch things in 2-D and doesn't know the rules on the court, she knows that basketball means togetherness and gives the game her best.

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